Isk, Nini, Jane, Jessie, Leng, Sandee, William
i have been with Heinz since the day i have started my internship with them
It's almost two years i have been with the company and i am going to say good bye to the company and to all my dearest colleagues..
It's really hard for me to say goodbye, especially to the few of them that has such a strong bond with me since the day i have joined the company.

First person would be my bestie in the company, Ms Mak, but i prefer to call her "Ah Leng". She called me the same name as well. :) this is our way to address each other everywhere since some time last year i guess?! She is an awesome mom with two kids and i love listening to her kids' stories a lot ^^ she has a really warmth and happy family! :D i am glad that Ah Leng is stand by me, almost everytime i need advice, help and support. I remembered how touched i was when she is offering me her help when i really needed some moral support! thanks Ah Leng! i feel honored and glad to know you as my colleague and friend! I hope you are not too bother with my bombastic family stories and boring stories from time to time throughout this two years.

The next person would be my boss, Nini. I still remember how she had stood by me when i cried the first time in the office after talking to one of the customers we have! It was a long-winded uncle who intend to vent his anger on me when i called him the first time. She was my boss since day 1 i have joined Heinz family until the day i leave the company. i am glad that i was able to help her when the company only left like 3-4 persons in Msia office when there are 2 PMs leaving the company within 3 months without any immediate personnel replacement. I did learn a lot here n there throughout the months that we have been through.

Jessica, or we called her "Dai Gar Jie" would be the next person who i really feel thankful to have her around when i was in Heinz. She is such a great and experienced marketer that she will be able to analyze things in a greater picture and i am always amazed by her ability of doing that. For the past few months, i have learnt a lot from her, especially when she handed over the social media project to me when the project has launched 6 months ago. I like having discussion with her on her thoughts and comments whenever i sent her some proposals or my small thoughts on the issue or matter to be shared on the FB page or etc. Thanks Jessica for all the guidance you have given to me.

Jane, who joined us a little bit later (end of last year) has enlightening me a lot on her expertise - trade marketing. Honestly, i think i will never know what's this side of stories if she have never join the company and Heinz is not hiring one that time. I thought that was only marketing and i have expected that trade marketing is something different and yet difficult for a marketer to handle if you do not have a strong background on the trade and all. She is definitely a doctor for many things in the office - from personal life, love life, and even work life. she is always able to provide some great advice and manage to console people using her jokes and laughs.
i am so gonna miss the cari makan gang that we have and i really hope that i am still one of the gang member even though i am no longer with the company! it's great to have known all of you and i will definitely treasuring the friendship that we have (at least this is what i have in my mind).
Hopefully i will be having a good start with the new company and new colleagues soon! i knew that it's not possible for me to stay in Heinz forever with you all but i do know that it's possible for us to remain our friendship forever and ever!
Can't wait for next month's gathering to celebrate Nini's birthday together as well as the January CNY cooking workshop! :) i am also expecting our cari makan outings!! ^^
Take care everyone! Hugs~ ♥