我真得可以说是百分之百的大众脸,因为时常会听刚认识的人说我像他某某朋友,再不然就是像某某明星。我真得有那么的大众脸吗?我真得很疑惑!哈哈~ 虽然我的确长得没怎么样啦~ 可是有时真得觉得满夸张地说… 也或许应该说每个人的观点不一样呢?有时候他们会说,并不是样子长得像,而是感觉像~ 听到这里,我真的直飙冷汗。=.=” 哇咧~ 还感觉咧~ 好像跟某某明星很熟酱噢~ 哈哈~~
还记得我还在小学的时候,就在苏慧伦的《鸭子》超红的时候,我的舅舅就是最夸张的一个。他竟然说我长得像苏慧伦!我真的百思不得其解~ 哪又像啊??我妈还真得夸张到以为说,这就是我当时候喜欢苏慧伦的原因~ 我听到真得快气疯了!她的幻想症真的蛮严重的嘛~
之后就到了中三,有天Swanee 突然说我长得像Siti Nurhaliza,她那时候还很兴奋的跑去问我们的国语老师的意见。我还记得那时的老师是Pn. Maimunah, 一个超逗的老师,老师后来也跟着起哄了,很兴奋得和Swanee研究起来… 又一次的无言…怎么每次都说我像我中意的偶像咧~ Siti Nurhaliza 那时候应该是拍最多广告的时候了,所以时常可以在电视上看到她。
到了中五那年,又是Swanee…这次她说我像韩国明星,也是我最最最喜欢的韩国女星-宋慧乔。我不用猜也知道,她肯定又会帮我宣传一番的~ 之后全班就开始说,有像有像,当然我本人觉得一点都不像~!!!当然也有一部分的朋友是和我有同感的,哪有像??!! 除了都是女的,还有长头发之外,根本就没有像嘛~
有一部的朋友是最搞笑的了,明明觉得我不像的,偏偏又喜欢跟着大家起哄,逗着我玩 =.=” 就连我去邮政局买邮票,那里上班的马来婆也觉得我像,才让我笑到肚子痛。这点也证明了,马来同胞也很迷电视台播的韩剧…
昨天也多了一个最搞笑的版本,我的同事竟然说我像天心!我真的超级超级无言…这也太夸张了吧?天心的皮肤很白皙,我就一点都没有白。她的身材超火辣的,而我就……. 哈哈~~ 真得很好笑。之后他又一句“感觉像”的飞过来,让我也很想对准他,飞我的球鞋出去!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
我真的快变成女人购物狂了~完了完了!! 怎么可以酱?? 着一两个星期就花了不少钱在保养品啦,化妆品啦,包包啦。。总之都是些扮美美的东西。我的妈呀~ 这都是谁的错?如果不是因为上班被迫要化妆,我就不需要买化妆品了。如果不是买了化妆品要化妆,我的皮肤就不会越来越差了。皮肤不会越来越差,我就不需要买护肤品了。如果不是酱,我就不需浪费更过的钱了~!! 果然认真的很会推卸责任。。。这点我十分的赞同。现在的这份工,让我的黑眼圈越来越严重了~!所以我必须先在立刻马上开始我的眼部保养了~ 听说眼部保养越年轻开始就越好,不然迟了的话,就后悔莫及了!真的蛮后悔,为何我不尽快开始呢?我现在已经开始看到些皱纹了~!不懂是不是酱鱼尾纹咧?!我的天啊~!上星期很冲动的买了Bio Essence的24K金的精华,真的贵到~~~!! 心就有如在滴血的感觉。。。 真的求天求地,让我新买的Bio Essence能帮我解决我的黑眼圈问题啦~而且还是尽快那种~!! 毕竟那可是我的血汗钱阿~ 同一天,本来是要去Elianto买卸装水的,结果被他们的一块钱PWP吸引住了,死死的又买了五十块的东东。我想。。。我妹真的有点想把我给掐死。。。
之后通过工作,认识了一个在网上卖护肤品的朋友,结果害我又破财了!完了完了。。买东西好像真的会买上瘾似的!!! 然后又被某人的表姐的朋友的网站给引诱到了!!包包~~ 真的很美很美的包包啊~ 我快可以拥有它了~!!之前就很想很想买那个包包了,可惜之前的那个卖家突然告诉我说,她的生意没再做了,让我失望了一下下。虽然可以找到不同的卖家,可是可靠的却满难找。所以如果我真的要买的话,我只会找认识的朋友或者通过朋友介绍的。好期待一个月的到来~酱我就可以拥有我梦寐以求的包包了!! 那个包包我真的哈它,哈很久了!~ 求神拜佛,它还有存货!!
网购完包包,我又想试试看衣服了~哈哈~~果然是女人~~不过还好Bell阻止了我,不然我肯定又会破财了~ 哈哈~~衣服果然还是上门买比较好~ 礼拜二又会是我的血拼之日了。。哈哈哈哈。希望会有所收获吧!
之后通过工作,认识了一个在网上卖护肤品的朋友,结果害我又破财了!完了完了。。买东西好像真的会买上瘾似的!!! 然后又被某人的表姐的朋友的网站给引诱到了!!包包~~ 真的很美很美的包包啊~ 我快可以拥有它了~!!之前就很想很想买那个包包了,可惜之前的那个卖家突然告诉我说,她的生意没再做了,让我失望了一下下。虽然可以找到不同的卖家,可是可靠的却满难找。所以如果我真的要买的话,我只会找认识的朋友或者通过朋友介绍的。好期待一个月的到来~酱我就可以拥有我梦寐以求的包包了!! 那个包包我真的哈它,哈很久了!~ 求神拜佛,它还有存货!!
网购完包包,我又想试试看衣服了~哈哈~~果然是女人~~不过还好Bell阻止了我,不然我肯定又会破财了~ 哈哈~~衣服果然还是上门买比较好~ 礼拜二又会是我的血拼之日了。。哈哈哈哈。希望会有所收获吧!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
flyer distribution
it's already coming to the end of the first week of my semester break. and i was really busy with the work. in fact, it's not really a tough task, just distribute flyers to parents or children who are heading to school or before they are heading home after school. it is just a two-hour a day basis for everyday. but it was really tiring because i have to wake up 4sth in the morning just the prepare myself and depart from my place to the gather point before 6.15am or 6.30 am. it's really hard for me to go to bed very early like 9 sth or 10 sth at night just to make sure that i have enough sleep and also to wake up early the next morning. another thing is i need to get myself some plan before i proceed to the next session. as i said earlier, there are 2 hours a day. so it's basically first hour in the morning session, the second session is during the noon time. so i have to hang out somewhere for the 4 or 5 hours before the next noon session everyday. well, the most tiring part of the job is the long-wait hours everyday. i had been going for early bird show movies, reading books in McD for the few hours, hang out with my fren who lived nearby... in fact i have tried whatever i can do. anyhow i still lack of ideas of what should i do the next day.. gosh~ perhaps i may spend the money i earned from the job before i getting my paid..haha.. really funny.. perhaps tis is also the only way for me to be relaxed a bit or go out to have fun other than those time i spent at home or when i am at work.. really funny and irony to have such situation.
anyway, i have been to many international schools and saw many luxurious car with parents or chauffeur sending those kids to school. some parents are being nice to us by rolling down their car window just to receive the flyer that we passed to them, but some are really being so ego to barely looking at us. well, sadly to say, most egomania are chinese rich people. even foreigner rich man or lady are being nice and polite, but not for chinese even if i am a chinese myself who are distributing those flyers. in fact i really do not understand, is it really so hard to roll down their window to get a piece of paper from us? for person like my sister who are so much environmental friendly who resist flyer distribution so much, i can totally understand. but for those rich people, i do not think that they are just trying to be environmental friendly and resisting wasting those flyer papers... that's why EGO is the only word for me to describe them.
when u are there, the entrance of the international school, u can also see a lot of cute kids wearing their school unifom and walking in their school with their parents sending them in. they really looked very cute in their uniform. the most memorable international school for me was- Alice Smith International School in KL. most kids studying there are foreigners or Malay or Indian but not so much for Chinese. those kids are wearing those jersey and dressed up like a athletes with their bag. they really looked so cute!! especially school area. i guess parents from that school are the most caring.. haha.. because you can see that there are a lot of parents' car and not really the chauffeur who send them to school. there are a lot of daddys sending their kids to school and not like Malaysian culture whereby sending kids to school are mostly the mummy's responsibility. my colleagues and i keep on discussing about if we ever have our own kids and we are rich enough, we are so going to send our kids to international school! cause we all think that they may learn a lot more extra than what they are not going to learn in the government school and also the super condusive schooling environment.
i still have another 2-3 days to go before the project is finished. perhaps i can get the next job as soon as possible~~ =)
anyway, i have been to many international schools and saw many luxurious car with parents or chauffeur sending those kids to school. some parents are being nice to us by rolling down their car window just to receive the flyer that we passed to them, but some are really being so ego to barely looking at us. well, sadly to say, most egomania are chinese rich people. even foreigner rich man or lady are being nice and polite, but not for chinese even if i am a chinese myself who are distributing those flyers. in fact i really do not understand, is it really so hard to roll down their window to get a piece of paper from us? for person like my sister who are so much environmental friendly who resist flyer distribution so much, i can totally understand. but for those rich people, i do not think that they are just trying to be environmental friendly and resisting wasting those flyer papers... that's why EGO is the only word for me to describe them.
when u are there, the entrance of the international school, u can also see a lot of cute kids wearing their school unifom and walking in their school with their parents sending them in. they really looked very cute in their uniform. the most memorable international school for me was- Alice Smith International School in KL. most kids studying there are foreigners or Malay or Indian but not so much for Chinese. those kids are wearing those jersey and dressed up like a athletes with their bag. they really looked so cute!! especially school area. i guess parents from that school are the most caring.. haha.. because you can see that there are a lot of parents' car and not really the chauffeur who send them to school. there are a lot of daddys sending their kids to school and not like Malaysian culture whereby sending kids to school are mostly the mummy's responsibility. my colleagues and i keep on discussing about if we ever have our own kids and we are rich enough, we are so going to send our kids to international school! cause we all think that they may learn a lot more extra than what they are not going to learn in the government school and also the super condusive schooling environment.
i still have another 2-3 days to go before the project is finished. perhaps i can get the next job as soon as possible~~ =)
Friday, November 07, 2008
sem break!!!
well, well, just finished my last papers for my 5th semester's final exam. the only conclusion that i can sum up with is, those papers that i did, it's really getting "sucker" and sucker" day by day... sienz~ it's like i already getting more and more dump until sometimes i don't know how to answer some simple questions asked or extracted out directly from the notes or slides. haiz... i really need some sort of "brain awakening" operations before it is too late~ gosh.. really getting tired of complaining about how forgetful i am and how ridiculous is my memory "system", and i am still going to complain about this, unless i am able to sort out something to fix it someday.. haha.. perhaps i am letting the sentence to be my QUOTE later... =P
anyway, i have some plans for the break already. too bad that it wasn't anything that going to involve my friends, especially my closest friends. what to do? they all flying back to their home after they finished their finals or some of them just getting started with their finals.. well well, i am meeting my best friends and having job interviews for the coming few days and also will be going to sunway with my sister~! hahahahaha... it's been loooong time since both of us went there. i think the last time we were there was when we were still in primary school and both of us are now in university level, i guess it's the time for us to go there again. hopefully the plan is going on smoothly and no "obstacle" is coming up lar~
then next week from tuesday onwards, i will be working on a job- flyer distribution. well, the job title seems a bit lame and sounds like i am going to be working under the hot sun and having sun bathe. but i can' t tell yet. that part of working under the sun is undeniable i guess...and the most important thing is, i am going to wear formal when i working as the flyer distributor..hahaha... that was really funny~! i only will know when i back from there. anyway i will be bringing my sunplay with me though. that job basically is 2 hours perday. just that the working duration is kinda long. the "working duration is kinda long" is because i am staying with others for half a day but the exact working time is only 2 hours throughout the half a day. hopefully i am going to have fun though.. hehe...
after the 7 days of working as the job distributor, i am going to be jobless for a moment before my next job.. hopefully i can get something to fill up my leisure time then..
anyway, i have some plans for the break already. too bad that it wasn't anything that going to involve my friends, especially my closest friends. what to do? they all flying back to their home after they finished their finals or some of them just getting started with their finals.. well well, i am meeting my best friends and having job interviews for the coming few days and also will be going to sunway with my sister~! hahahahaha... it's been loooong time since both of us went there. i think the last time we were there was when we were still in primary school and both of us are now in university level, i guess it's the time for us to go there again. hopefully the plan is going on smoothly and no "obstacle" is coming up lar~
then next week from tuesday onwards, i will be working on a job- flyer distribution. well, the job title seems a bit lame and sounds like i am going to be working under the hot sun and having sun bathe. but i can' t tell yet. that part of working under the sun is undeniable i guess...and the most important thing is, i am going to wear formal when i working as the flyer distributor..hahaha... that was really funny~! i only will know when i back from there. anyway i will be bringing my sunplay with me though. that job basically is 2 hours perday. just that the working duration is kinda long. the "working duration is kinda long" is because i am staying with others for half a day but the exact working time is only 2 hours throughout the half a day. hopefully i am going to have fun though.. hehe...
after the 7 days of working as the job distributor, i am going to be jobless for a moment before my next job.. hopefully i can get something to fill up my leisure time then..
Monday, November 03, 2008
處女座 - 今日運程
愛情: 









聚會?? 考Final的时候。哪来的时间可以有聚会呢?更何况。。。每次聚会都没“预”男生。。。
空氣清新之處?? 我的房间可以说是密不透风。。。 完了~~
財運正在上升中?? 整天的运程,最合我意的就是这句了~!!希望如此。。。
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