Quote of the day :
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."- Mother Teresa
A funny friendship saying to be shared :-
No man or woman is worth your tears.
The only one who is, will never make you cry.
If you love someone, put their name in a circle, instead of a heart.
Hearts can break, but circles go on forever.
Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say.
Best friends listen to what you don't .
If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them. I'd be at the bottom to catch them.
Don't frown, because you never know who's falling in love with your smile !
It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone---but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Wearn's 23rd Birthday
Lunch @ Italianies

Wearn's little birthday cake

the bread..

the CHICKEN.. i cant recall the name anymore~ it was alrite, but it's bit lower than my expectation

Seafood pasta~ yummy~!!

Wearn's Drumstick.. just for Birthday girl~

our birthday girl -- wearn wearn

me -- being the server...

better dun let the birthday girl to be the server.. =P

trying soooo hard to take off her earings.. keke

still.... trying......

finally... she changed her new ring~! a gift from us =)

three of us with the cake.. thanks to the waiter that took this picture for us. even though he look so "wei wat" and acted cool when helped us with this.

Jess & Wearn

Maria & Wearn

Maria & Jess. obviously there's something inside our mouth~ muahaha..

Maria -- Bell said she din see your face... =P

Time to open Wearn's cadeau
Finally here come my words. leaving it blank with ONLY the pictures for a week~ now only i am able to get some time to leave some words here. we went to celebrate Wearn's 23rd birthday last Sat (21st March) at Gardens. We are supposed to meet up around 1pm at MV. but Maria & I was slightly late. luckily our birthday girl didnt wait for us for long. the funniest thing was, we cant find each other when we just got there and talking on phone to each other.. and... mana tau she's just somewhere in front of me. until i told her that i was right behind her, then only she turned around and we all hugged there.. right in the concourse of MV floor LG. I bet those staffs working for the Guardian roadshow must think that we are crazy or something. haha.. who cares~ =P
we couldn't make up our mind on where to have our lunch at all.should it be in MV? or in Gardens? should it be in Chili's? until we saw Italianies' poster then only we are able to made up our mind.Wearn & I are never familiar with Gardens, so we just follow whatever instructions given by our beloved Maria. mana tau she really very lan lek one.. hahaha.. lead us to the wrong way and we were like having escalator trip from the highest floor back to the second floor. =.="
it took us a while to make our choice on what to eat and what to pick. and we finally chose two main course and our drinks. while we are waiting, we just the bread that was totally FOC, it comes together with a plate of olive oil mixed with vinegar. i, personally don't like the neither the olive oil nor the vinegar. the taste was too strong for me.. keke.. =P anyhow the bread taste very nice.. =)
we had just order 2 main dishes and drinks that come together with a mine birthday cake given to our birthday girl, Wearn. we chit chat a lot, about the gossips thingy as well as what happened around us lately.at the same time, i was just keep myself busy of snapping pictures of Wearn. it's really funny that wearn keep on saying one of the waiter very annoying~ "DUH~ dun ever denied it, my dear. cause u really said that at that moment." lolx~~ anyhow that waiter that i mentioned here, is those kind of responsible and friendly type of person, except for his CC look and his over-frienly smile that might scared people off.. haha.. anyhow he did helped us a lot. he kept on asking us, whether it was the appropriate time for him to serve the birthday cake to us. as if he's more gan jiong than everyone of us, esp Wearn Wearn. keke.. =P
after the lunch, we manage to catch up with some shoppings, just some window shoppings but we did have some great time out there~ =) around evening time, i have to go home for dinner with family,so we all just left after giving each other a sweetest hug. =) anyhow i was super worried about both of them on my way driving back. cause i was not sure whether they are able to get the way to go bek to Vista, then i was worried about whether Wearn managed to get the correct route to head back MRR II. cause i scared that the instructions that i gave her might be wrong. i checked with a few people, finally i realised that it was the correct way. thank god that they manage to find their way home. =) I knew they will be, because they are smart~ just that i was getting worried when the sky getting darker and they still havent figure out the correct route. haha.. it's kinda like i am more worried than those 2 persons that are in the car. =P
the sad thing was, i couldn't join maria and wearn for staying over at her place that night. i m sure both of them had a great time that night. =) so envy~~ it's really so sad that i couldnt stay over at my frined's place. anyhow, hopefully we will be able to do that some other time, with me joining in as well..hehe..
it was a lovely day~

Wearn's little birthday cake
the bread..

the CHICKEN.. i cant recall the name anymore~ it was alrite, but it's bit lower than my expectation

Seafood pasta~ yummy~!!

Wearn's Drumstick.. just for Birthday girl~

our birthday girl -- wearn wearn

me -- being the server...

better dun let the birthday girl to be the server.. =P

trying soooo hard to take off her earings.. keke

still.... trying......

finally... she changed her new ring~! a gift from us =)

three of us with the cake.. thanks to the waiter that took this picture for us. even though he look so "wei wat" and acted cool when helped us with this.
Jess & Wearn

Maria & Wearn
Maria & Jess. obviously there's something inside our mouth~ muahaha..

Maria -- Bell said she din see your face... =P
Time to open Wearn's cadeau
Finally here come my words. leaving it blank with ONLY the pictures for a week~ now only i am able to get some time to leave some words here. we went to celebrate Wearn's 23rd birthday last Sat (21st March) at Gardens. We are supposed to meet up around 1pm at MV. but Maria & I was slightly late. luckily our birthday girl didnt wait for us for long. the funniest thing was, we cant find each other when we just got there and talking on phone to each other.. and... mana tau she's just somewhere in front of me. until i told her that i was right behind her, then only she turned around and we all hugged there.. right in the concourse of MV floor LG. I bet those staffs working for the Guardian roadshow must think that we are crazy or something. haha.. who cares~ =P
we couldn't make up our mind on where to have our lunch at all.should it be in MV? or in Gardens? should it be in Chili's? until we saw Italianies' poster then only we are able to made up our mind.Wearn & I are never familiar with Gardens, so we just follow whatever instructions given by our beloved Maria. mana tau she really very lan lek one.. hahaha.. lead us to the wrong way and we were like having escalator trip from the highest floor back to the second floor. =.="
it took us a while to make our choice on what to eat and what to pick. and we finally chose two main course and our drinks. while we are waiting, we just the bread that was totally FOC, it comes together with a plate of olive oil mixed with vinegar. i, personally don't like the neither the olive oil nor the vinegar. the taste was too strong for me.. keke.. =P anyhow the bread taste very nice.. =)
we had just order 2 main dishes and drinks that come together with a mine birthday cake given to our birthday girl, Wearn. we chit chat a lot, about the gossips thingy as well as what happened around us lately.at the same time, i was just keep myself busy of snapping pictures of Wearn. it's really funny that wearn keep on saying one of the waiter very annoying~ "DUH~ dun ever denied it, my dear. cause u really said that at that moment." lolx~~ anyhow that waiter that i mentioned here, is those kind of responsible and friendly type of person, except for his CC look and his over-frienly smile that might scared people off.. haha.. anyhow he did helped us a lot. he kept on asking us, whether it was the appropriate time for him to serve the birthday cake to us. as if he's more gan jiong than everyone of us, esp Wearn Wearn. keke.. =P
after the lunch, we manage to catch up with some shoppings, just some window shoppings but we did have some great time out there~ =) around evening time, i have to go home for dinner with family,so we all just left after giving each other a sweetest hug. =) anyhow i was super worried about both of them on my way driving back. cause i was not sure whether they are able to get the way to go bek to Vista, then i was worried about whether Wearn managed to get the correct route to head back MRR II. cause i scared that the instructions that i gave her might be wrong. i checked with a few people, finally i realised that it was the correct way. thank god that they manage to find their way home. =) I knew they will be, because they are smart~ just that i was getting worried when the sky getting darker and they still havent figure out the correct route. haha.. it's kinda like i am more worried than those 2 persons that are in the car. =P
the sad thing was, i couldn't join maria and wearn for staying over at her place that night. i m sure both of them had a great time that night. =) so envy~~ it's really so sad that i couldnt stay over at my frined's place. anyhow, hopefully we will be able to do that some other time, with me joining in as well..hehe..
it was a lovely day~
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
thought for the day
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give"
by Winston Churchill
by Winston Churchill
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
i don't know what happened to me today..
just don't feel like talking much
i prefer to do works and just get myself busy with something
anything will do
i don't really care what it is
just feel like my tongue is super heavy today
and i cant bare to open my mouth to talk much
i really feel moody and feel so demotivated
i have no idea how and why i am like this
perhaps lack of sleep made me so not energetic to talk
not to say i didn't say a word at all today
but just feel like keeping quiet and stay by the side when people around me are talking and chit chating
i don't even know whether is i don't want to talk much
or i don't have any chance to talk at all
just feel so uneasy today
every tuesday is a kinda sucks day for me though..
anyhow hopefully everything will be just alright after today ends!
just don't feel like talking much
i prefer to do works and just get myself busy with something
anything will do
i don't really care what it is
just feel like my tongue is super heavy today
and i cant bare to open my mouth to talk much
i really feel moody and feel so demotivated
i have no idea how and why i am like this
perhaps lack of sleep made me so not energetic to talk
not to say i didn't say a word at all today
but just feel like keeping quiet and stay by the side when people around me are talking and chit chating
i don't even know whether is i don't want to talk much
or i don't have any chance to talk at all
just feel so uneasy today
every tuesday is a kinda sucks day for me though..
anyhow hopefully everything will be just alright after today ends!
Sunday, March 08, 2009
test 2 coming again!
and yet i am still so moodless to study
really getting so sick with it..
studying something that i dont really understand is a tough task and a bored one... @_@
i had been addicted to PET SOCIETY of facebook for the passed few days
and yet i find myself start to get bored with it now
cos i really have no idea how to gain soooo many money to buy new furniture and also to decorate my pet's house..
had been so bored with the visting routine work.. @_@
i guess someone may wanted to kill me when see me saying PS is very bored while almost more than half of my coursemates are soooo crazy over the game.
every exam time will me my drama time ...
just finish my movie marathon 2 days ago
and i'm starting with my drama marathon since yesterday.
really feel like dying... haih.....mamamia~
test 2 coming again!
and yet i am still so moodless to study
really getting so sick with it..
studying something that i dont really understand is a tough task and a bored one... @_@
i had been addicted to PET SOCIETY of facebook for the passed few days
and yet i find myself start to get bored with it now
cos i really have no idea how to gain soooo many money to buy new furniture and also to decorate my pet's house..
had been so bored with the visting routine work.. @_@
i guess someone may wanted to kill me when see me saying PS is very bored while almost more than half of my coursemates are soooo crazy over the game.
every exam time will me my drama time ...
just finish my movie marathon 2 days ago
and i'm starting with my drama marathon since yesterday.
really feel like dying... haih.....mamamia~
Friday, March 06, 2009
movie marathon
well well..
this had been the second movie marathon for me just in the year 2009 itself.
anyhow i really enjoy doing this.. SYOK~ muahahahah =)
perhaps next time i can try with 3 movies in a row and see how it goes..haha
today watch Seven Pounds and Valkyrie. well well... Seven Pounds is like..expectedly not so nice, even it's cast by one of fave actor, Will Smith. but i do like the story behind, just that the way they presented it, it's a little bit bored though. the ending was sad and yet meaningful! perhaps this movie will be helping to encourage people to sign up for those organ donation campaign...
Valkyrie is unexpectedly nice than i have imagined. i guess i have to thank Alvin on that, cause of him pahlawan k10 watching Valkyrie with a guy friend and the bad comments from me, made me not really having high expectation on Valkyrie. anyhow i never feel sleepy even for one second for the movie! too bad the ending is like..everybody are dead.. haih...
the consequence of movie marathon is...avoiding calls and also to be stucked in the traffic jams!! i really hate traffic jam sooooo much, i really dont understand why people just sooo love to stop and look at cars that are involved in the car accident, regardless it;s a big one or jz the minor case. why are PEOPLE just love to watch and observe so much but never ever think of go forward to giving people a helping hand? even though i am not yet up to that kind of level, but at least i am definitely not those people that are causing the roads jam like hell where it shouldnt be..=.="
this had been the second movie marathon for me just in the year 2009 itself.
anyhow i really enjoy doing this.. SYOK~ muahahahah =)
perhaps next time i can try with 3 movies in a row and see how it goes..haha
today watch Seven Pounds and Valkyrie. well well... Seven Pounds is like..expectedly not so nice, even it's cast by one of fave actor, Will Smith. but i do like the story behind, just that the way they presented it, it's a little bit bored though. the ending was sad and yet meaningful! perhaps this movie will be helping to encourage people to sign up for those organ donation campaign...
Valkyrie is unexpectedly nice than i have imagined. i guess i have to thank Alvin on that, cause of him pahlawan k10 watching Valkyrie with a guy friend and the bad comments from me, made me not really having high expectation on Valkyrie. anyhow i never feel sleepy even for one second for the movie! too bad the ending is like..everybody are dead.. haih...
the consequence of movie marathon is...avoiding calls and also to be stucked in the traffic jams!! i really hate traffic jam sooooo much, i really dont understand why people just sooo love to stop and look at cars that are involved in the car accident, regardless it;s a big one or jz the minor case. why are PEOPLE just love to watch and observe so much but never ever think of go forward to giving people a helping hand? even though i am not yet up to that kind of level, but at least i am definitely not those people that are causing the roads jam like hell where it shouldnt be..=.="
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