My first time of trying with Manicure~
had heard about this from kuang last Sunday~
she was planning to get herself one from one of the shop nearby her place
so when i saw the nail art sticker in Daiso the other day
i never feel hesitate to buy the stickers
so i have been thinking when can i get myself to try that out
so happened the course night is the week after
so it's the most appropriate time that i can make the first trial
without really wasting the efforts~ hahaha...
in fact it was really messy lo~ if you really take a look closely
cause i am NEVER the experts
that's why i still not sure which step is to be started first lar~ this and that
kinda complicated and i have nearly gave up on trying it
because i was rushing myself and yet the nail polish kept on spoiling lo~
i was so sad
but when i take a look at the result
it was quite okay geh~
at least much more better than i would have expected
you did it for yourself?! I thought u went to some kind of shops and let the expert made that! U've done a great job, believe me!
thanks lei lei..
i did it myself, it looked alright from far
but if u take a look closely, u can tell that there are a loooooootttt more room to be improved~
anyway thanks... =)
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