have you ever experienced people was gossiping when they were walking passed you?
have you ever feel embarrassed with people staring at you and was discussing about you?
there are many reasons for this kind of situation to happened~
- that is something on your face, dirt maybe? any food stain maybe? or even you forgot to wipe your mouth after u have eaten something
-there are something on your shirts, also maybe the stains or dirts
-there are something wrong with how you look today, wrong shoes? only wearing one side for your socks or whatsoever
-there are something very memalukan that you are doing it without you even realizing it, such as your skirts isn't at the right position as they are ( try to imagine a little girl that came out from washroom, without making sure her skirt is alright after she went to pee, this happen to kids most of the time)
-there is something with you, especially your trolley
these are the reasons why people keep on staring at my family and I when they walked pass us...
they must be wondeirng why on earth this family wanted to buy soooo many food? what's wrong with them? Are they having famine at their house or something?
in fact we were buying all these food for the kids in the Ti-Ratana Charity Society 慈愛福利中心. we went to Desa Petaling together, there are 9 of us in 3 cars that went to Desa Petaling. that was during CNY, one of day before Chap Goh Mei. my brother and his friends wanted to do some charity work during CNY. so they decided to bring some food to the charity home, just to provide something that they might need to use.
we took 5 trolleys. and that was before the last 2 friend joined us. altogether there are 7 trolleys.

over 30 packets of Milo Fuze 3-in-1

i don't even remember how many packets of Tesco Cream Cracker are there. but then when i moved them into the trolley, people who are shopping at the same lane were staring at me, as if i am one of the freaks or someone weird~ =(
kids that are living in Ti-Ratana Charity Society were all very smart and independent! they all were being the tour guide to whoever they went to visit them at the charity home. because there are few houses owned by this NGO in order to help out those people who are in need =)
grateful is the same word that my brother keep on repeating to Jo and me. as if we never feel grateful for our lives.. lolx~ i dare not to say that i always feeling grateful with everything and in all facet of my life, but then most of the time i am feeling thankful!
meaningful meaningful..~ So when one day i need u to donate food to me, remember to buy for me ah haha...
wah wah wah
need mou ar?
ask ur boy boy cook for u lar~ =P
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